So you're here because you take part in the pumpkintossing?

I've never thought to participate in one.
Even more: I never imagined people would toss a pumpkin.

We don't grow pumpkins here, not as a tradition or so.

Because of the changing climate people try, and some succeed.
I even tried a few years ago.
Got two flowers, and they were disappeared before I could have a second look.

So you have to be content with a pixeled one.
A special one in fact, because many people are already into halloweendecorations and such, I thought it would be something else to have her disappear altogether.

She was pixeled on a very hot day. Almost tropical.
So it feels a bit strange to be surrounded by autumngraphics and colours.
Well, time always walks faster.

You can get your tosser from the downloadpage.
Just click her and you'll go there.
Come back soon, as I'm now slowly trying to get into the autumnmood and decorations.
Cards and such will are up.

Your tossers are on their own page.
You can find the link a little bit further down on the page.

I have send over 200 mails with my wintergoodies, inclusing the pumpkintosser and the ghostbuster.
Thank you for returning the greetings and sending your tosser.
I'm very glad with them.
Ofcourse I won't win the quantity part of the contest as some people didin't answer my mail and kept their pumpkintosser only for themselves and their friends.
So I have decided this is the last time I took part in a quantity hunt.

Thank you all those people who made it fun!

Links are more down this page.
and here:

your tossers [1] [2] [3] [4]


gifts for you

your tossers [1][2][3][4]




Page backgrounds and layout by me.
special codes by Dynamic Drive
Nothing for download.
Any violations of copyrightlaw will be reported
to the authorities of your country,
the country of the graphic artist
and the authorities of The Netherlands.
Pages best be seen with IE
Thank you :

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