Imbi's Willow... Jolene

Jolene knocked on my door and opened it after I called her in.
The sun entered.

We immediately liked each other and a friendship started that lasted years.

First I was her teacher.
She was intelligent and worked very hard. Planned to become a good psychologist.
We had many talks about life and future, and then she had to go away for a while. Nothing special, I thought, as many people went abroad or to other parts of the country to get more experience.

But instead of getting a friend back, she had become a mother.
She struggled with baby and studies, and we tried to help her as much as possible. Brought her dinner so there would be no need to cook, and gave her summaries and other help.

Then she moved.

Two years later I saw her on a spring afternoon and we sat down and talked and talked. Her daughter was beautiful as was Jolene. But the sadness of life had stepped in far to soon. She struggled to smile and I can only hope I gave her a new look on life.
She smiled when she went. I've never seen her again.

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