
open dag

BATAVORUM pipes and Drums

Batavorum Pipes and Drums was initiated at march 31 2000 by a group of enthousiastic people.
Soon enough people were interested in forming a band and after the official founding meeting at octobre 4th 2000, the legal papers were signed at november 5th 2000.
Batavorum Pipes and Drums was born.

After more than a year of practicing under the leadership of Pipe Major Raymond de Lange, the first performance was given at a neighbourhood festival at january the 13th 2002 in Beuningen, a town near Nijmegen.

The first contest was great success: a first place in grade 5 at the BAG Open Championships in Schotten (Germany) in 2003.

Already Batavorum Pipes and Drums is wellknown in the area for its participation in the International Four Days Marches, its annual open days with visits and performances of other bands, and many more events.
For instance in october 2004 the band played Mull of Kintyre with the Beatles cover band in Gürzenich in Köln (Germany) during the Beatles Classic Night.

Highlight of the past years was also the participation in the Pipefest 2005 at Edinburg, where they performed with an enthousiastic group.

Like many bands Batavorum started in a room of the house of the parents of one of the initiators. Soon they moved to a location that could host more people, and after more moves we're now practicing on wednesdays and saturdays in a large school, The SSGN, where there's enough room to practice in little groups and with the band as a whole.

The band consists now of 56 members: a children's chanter group; a beginners, and intermediate group, the performing group and a contest group.

Artistic leadership is still in the capable hands of Tom Thorpe.

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