...about me

A bit about me

So you want to know a bit about me?

I'm 50 (chronological age. LOL!), living in The Netherlands (Europe) with my 6 children, 4 boys and twingirls.
The youngest boy has autism and visits a school for children with special needs.
His next older brother also goes to that school. He has ADHD and he and his older brother are dyslectic.
And the oldest boy of 20 has got ADD and Asperger syndrome.
To finish the male section: their father has strong autistic traits too.
In the past I thought him to be a pleasantly quiet man. LOL!

The twingirls were socalled rhesusbabies, but they're doing very well after they had a couple of exchange transfusions after birth. They're 10 now.
One of them is dyslectic too, but she's working very hard to deal with it.

My life has been rather bumpy up till now.
I've survived childhood abuse, 4 miscarriages, the stillbirth of a baby (Winnie) and the sudden unexpected death of a babygirl, Jenny, two days after her birth.
And a lot more.

Two years ago at this time I was filing for divorce and had to withdraw it, because of the new rules the government issued for mothers. They want us all to work, which is impossible as a single mother with 6 children, especially if some of they have special needs.
So we're living together apart, and as long as he realises he's a kind of participating guest in the house things go rather well. I'm used more now to being a single mother, even though I'm offically still married.

I've studied psychology, have worked Pro Deo for nearly 20 years with parents of deceased babies, parents with high risk pregnancies and the people who deal with them professionally.
I'm proud to be the first delivery counsellor in Europe, maybe in the whole world.
I'm a very experienced board member and chairman.
But that won't help me, as my health will be a problem for most companies and organisations.
Why choose a 50 year old, with asthma, diabetes, hyperhomocystenemia, hemochromatosis, a bit more, AND with 6 kids???

So I'm finding my own way in society. Contributing by being a political criticus, and by tackling the bullying problems at schools.
Schooldirectors aren't always as happy with that, but as long as I can prevent one child from being bullied so bad that he or she suffers from it a whole lifetime, I'm OK with the opinions of others. LOL!

I also work hard to make people understand more about children and adults with spectrumdisorders, called by others: ASS: autism spectrum disorders.
Well, I think you get it why I think spectrumdisorders is a better name.
There's not enough understanding for parents at all, and please don't start me about the bureaucracy we have to deal with!
I'm sick of forms, paperwork and people who want to handle everything by phone.
I want things on paper and I want matters arranged without me making a complete study of matters before I can ask for help.
Well, I'm not getting help anyway. I dont'have the time nor the energy to go through all the motions to get help. Arranging it costs more energy that doing things myself.
And I'm fed up with people working part-time, so things that can be handled in two days cost two months.

For some years now I enjoy being online.
Although I have to say that people online are just the same as in real life.
I have found myself in some very strange situations and I've had some huge disappointments in emailgroups. (The worst in WOSIB.) Mainly because people rather went for power than for honesty and sincerity.
It's one step to use the word respect, it's a second step to be respectable and show respect. LOL!

Still I'm glad to have found some very nice and close friends, both in groups and in the blogging world.
Beside my children my friends are the most important people in the world, and at times I regret that my language abilities (and my, at times, introversion,) aren't good enough to express everything I feel.

I love to make websites, love to write (I have done my part in journalism).
I have a huge knowledge about pregnancy, delivery and other medical subjects.
You can hire me for all sorts of things, so please when you need someone, ask me first.

I have learned in this life that things never come easy, and that when you want to change things, you need to do it yourself.

I tend to hide from my friends when I feel low, or when I feel I need them too much.
People don't always understand, but at times I need distance not to let all my emotions come to the surface.
I so long for my friends abroad, I can't tell you...

I'm very practical. If decisions need to be made, I'll make them after getting the information I need; and after that I deal with the consequences. In most matters I land on my feet quite well. Mainly because I can adjust quickly.
Partly too, because I have a lot of humor and never stay angry longer than a couple of hours.

Now I'm getting olders I use my brains more often instead of jumping in and on matters. But at the same time I dare to stand up more for what I belief in. I don't care as much anymore about what other people think about me as a person, but I do care about what they think of me as a mother and what they think of my children.

I'm happy it's spring and summeragain. I love flowers, and the light green colours of the fresh leaves.
I love to see growth around me and I can find myself loose track of time when listening to the birds or feeling and hearing summerthunder come nearer. The first spitterspatter of rain is a delight to my ear. Well, the sounds of the beginning of the Peter Rabbit movie.

I am a dreamer. Dreaming about holidays at sea or in the forest. I would love to live in England, Wales or Scotland. The hills around me. I'll settle for an old (but clean) cottage, and I'll do fine as a relaxation therapist or something like that.
I have roots in Scotland, Mali and with the native indians. That means that the few segments of DNA that are still stemming from my ancestors show themselves in my stubbornness, love for Mali-music and scottish folk songs, and a strong longing to go to Mali and Scotland. Another aspect of me is my strong spiritual life, which is not connected with an official religion. No need to put something human between me and Nature and The Spirit.

I've got plenty of hobbies, but not enough time.
I collect: giraffes, little houses (like those of Lillyput Lane), phountain penns. I love knitting and embroidering (little crosses), glasspainting, and working in my garden. I have collected teapots, but I've stopped because of lack of space.
My favorite jewelry is in silver. And I enjoy older jewelry too, because of the history attached to it.

I love the smell of lilly of the valley, roses, chocolate, cinnamon and some of the special smells that remind me of england.

Music is very important to me.
I grew up with a father who was a conductor of a children's choir and sang in a byzantine choir.
I sang a lot, played organ, whistles, guitar, and a lot more.
Right now I'm a bagpipe student and I'm longing for a set of smallpipes all for myself.
Well, I think I'll never get them as we always need the money for the children.
I'm lucky to be with the band, which means I'm going to play the highland bagpipes.
But some smallpipes are softer for the ears, and easier to take with me.
(Told you I'm a dreamer. LOL!)

Ofcourse there's much more to tell, so ask if you want to know something. That always works best.

I hope you'll be able to enjoy my site.


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