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Monday's Mama Drama
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Monday's Mama Drama
April 24th 2005

Got my questions from

  1. Does your child know how to swim?
    How old was your child when he/she learned?
    Does he/she wear any type of life jackets?

    Some of my children have a diploma.
    Others not.
    it's very difficult for some children with ADHD and autism to learn to swim.
    The touch of water distracts them very much.
    Some children have problems distinguishing the voice of the teacher from the other sounds.
    And coordinating movements while trying to keep your head above the water is just one action too much.
    So they're not going to swim much.
    They don't like it either.

Monday's Mama Drama
27 febr 2005

Got my questions from

  1. Your child comes home with a note that says he got an automatic zero on a test because he was talking to another student. Your child says all he said to the other student was “shh.” What would you say/do?
    Depending on the age and how serious the kid takes this him/herself.
    In the past I have written a note to a teacher, about two or three times, stating in nice words that maybe he has made a mistake, and that it would be enlightning to ask the children what has happened.
    Otherwise I advice the child in question to talk with the teacher, or to accept the fact that "shh" is a noise too and thus not allowed.

  2. Your child says she is “finished” cleaning the bathroom. When you check it, you notice that there is still scum behind the faucets and the base of the toilet wasn’t wiped. What do you say/do? :
    Look over my glasses, point with my finger and just say with a big smile: "Really?.
    I'm sure next time I'll have a look it'll be gone. You're too smart to leave that there."

  3. Your child was visiting a friend’s house and the friend’s parent let the children go to the park alone, which you normally don’t allow your child to do. What do you say/do? :
    I know that one. So my kids come to me to tell. They know they're not allowed to go alone.
    So I tell the friend to go home and my kid stays with me. And there will be a special desert because it has been as honest not to go alone.

  4. Your child asks to go somewhere, but hasn’t mowed the lawn as he agreed.
    a)What do you say/do?
    Now, your child tries to argue with you and talk you into letting him go.
    b) What do you do/say?
    We don't have a lawn. And when we had it wasn't a child's job.

    But let's say it was another job.
    I'm quite flexibel. So we would look for a solution. Find another time, or I would help.
    No need for arguments.

  5. You walk into the living room and see your child’s backpack, coat, and shoes lying on the floor. What would you say/do? :
    Get him to pick it up and put it all where it belongs.

  6. Your child asks if he can climb on the roof to get a ball that accidentally landed there. You express your concerns about the danger and say you’ll get the ball later. Several minutes later, you go outside and find your child on the roof. He refuses to come down.
    a) How do you get your child off the roof?
    b) When he/she is off the roof, what do you/say?
    It happened once.
    No way I was going to talk him off the roof. (Flatt roof of a shed)
    I took the ladder and had him stay there for half an hour.
    Only after I was asked friendly to help him off, I did.
    No need to say anything else...

  7. You and your child disagree about whether she can walk to a store alone, crossing a busy street. Your child insists it is safe to go and says she will go whether you approve or not. You are getting angrier and so is your child. Your child angrily shouts, ”I hate you! You never let me do anything!” She starts to walk out of the house. What do you say/do? :
    I can't belief that the disagreement went so far.
    Right at the beginning i would sit down with her and ask her why she's thinking she can do it, and explain why I think she can't.

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