from you/for you

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from you/for you

Gloria started "Ghostbusters", a new online game to bring people in the mood for halloween.

Ofcourse this feels very strange when summer is celebrating with almost 30 degrees celcius, and we hardly have something halloween in my country.

Oh, we have some commercial stuff here.
And we do have a pumpkinlight parade, but that's on 11 november, the day of St. Maarten.

The game is for winning.
Luckily not for amounts of ghostbusters. So there's no need to have my children scream for food and dry clothing when I'm trying to collect the most ghostbusters.
But for the most original pages.

Well, mine are made all from scratch. It's the first webset I ever made and it took me ages to find out how to get dotted lines. LOL! And how to make the abstracted pumpkins on the background.

I thought it all was lost when my seasonsites were hacked and deleted. But luckily I still had one hidden in a corner on my computer.

So here you find the graphics from others who participated and ofcourse mine.
You can send me yours to:
whipe the ghostbusters out:
*at*yahooghostbusterdotcom. Please leave a message you've been here.


my group

Nothing for download.
Please respect our copyrights.

Codes by Dynamic Drive
Set and design made by me in 2004.

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